Your willpower is not the problem!

We will often jump straight to blaming ourselves for not being able to stick to the restrictions we put in place when trying to reach goals. And that right there is the WHY! That’s why we can’t stick to what we think we should, because 9 times out of 10 we tell ourselves what we can’t eat, what we can’t do. YOU are not the problem!

I am here, with my specialised experience and training to help women feel amazing, be pain free, enjoy SAFE active pregnancies and support all their needs in every stage of life. I come across so many struggles that people are going through everyday and again 9 times out of 10 its internal battles! This is what drives me to get up everyday and make change and support others to do the same. Losing weight is not and does not need to be the focus, it's all about the FEELS. Feeling like the best, most energetic and confident version of YOU.

It can be tough feeling like yourself again amongst the chaos of life/mum life but our expertise are here to support you and get you to your goals. We just want to make sure that you aren't tormenting yourself in the mean time ;)

I am going to share the simple mindset shift I use that has helped thousands of women through my coaching... and it's all about doing our bit to change those little voices in our heads and have a positive impact on the younger generations!! 


I feel like we are all on this perpetual weightloss roller coaster, always looking out for the next quick fix, it’s a cycle and we all do it! The fixes are all short term because mentally there is a missing link, we come from a place of hatred and fear rather than love and grace towards our bodies!! It's always about restriction and what we can’t eat or shouldn’t eat, rather than choosing LIFE! We put these rules in place because it’s been drilled into us that less food and more movement is the answer. This results in burn out, over training, under eating, lack of energy and minimal results - due: everyone giving up. Again this is NOT because you lack will power.


This may sound simple, I know - but with daily PRACTICE and the right coaching, it will become something you embody... It is in your APPROACH, it's in your WHY. It’s in your mindset.

If our reason is only to lose weight and look good, we can end up feeling unfulfilled and do more harm than good to our bodies. Healthy doesn't look a certain way but it does FEEL a certain way!!

It really does come down to using positive language and a healthy MINDSET which is our daily internal dialogue... What if it became about the way you FELT!?.. and you made decisions based on how things make you feel rather than how you LOOK.

What if we started saying “I am going to move my body because I feel energised” or “I am going to eat this way because it makes me feel GOOD” rather than, cutting out carbs and all your favourite things! How does that sit with you?

It can be scary to lean into your body and listen to how it feels and what it needs, because when we aren’t in the place we want to be, we can often blame ourselves for that. But think for a moment - How you would speak to your friends or your daughters: This is how you should speak to yourself ;) Lets start being FRIENDS with ourselves and our bodies.

It is all in the approach. Our goals need the be robust and full, not empty and number based. Our reasons needs to be deeper than fitting into old clothes, in fact get rid of those old clothes making you feel bad!! Clothes are made to fit you, not the other way around.

I guarantee you, once you start making your approach wholesome, the rest falls into place. Thats not to say wanting to lose weight is bad, it is perfectly normal to want to look good!! The weight loss does happen, the goals start to be reached when we lean into a positive approach - because naturally, nutritional foods will make you feed good, exercise will make you feel good - And if you are in tune with your body and working along side those feelings you intuitively make the right healthy decisions that favour your goals!!

Lets live out of love for ourselves and make a decision from that place!! Choose to do or not do things based on how they make you feel and I promise your inner world will start to shift!

Get in touch for my 1:1 Coaching Workshops HERE.

GRAB AN INTRO PASS HERE to try 1 whole week of unlimited training at Active Mum! We offer a range of classes at our purpose built studio gyms and also a virtual option too! Mums & Bubs Fitness Program which includes pilates classes, a Pregnancy Fitness Program, Rebuilding Mums Core program for those looking for post natal guidance around abdominal separation!.. And SO much more. Join the Active Mum Movement today.

I am so grateful that I can wake up everyday and live my truth and show women how to tackle things the right way – My message is never going to be about losing weight! This is my way of changing the world one little bit at a time, for myself, for my kids and women all around the world! 

Love, Julie!! ~

Master Trainer. Mum of 2. Owner & Founder of Active Mum


General advice disguised as expert advice and why you need to worry about it…
